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A member registered 57 days ago

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Hey, what a fantastic game! I had a great time working through each puzzle and the music immediately captured my attention. The look and feel of your game is fab and the fun graphics of the slime moving around were a particular highlight for me. I think your use of the Rashambo wildcard is a great way of adding some extra challenge to each level.  audibly said 'SLIME!' at the end of each level and I had fun working out how to get through a challenge often saying 'Oh! That's clever!' each time I worked out the solution. I feel like you've nailed the progressive difficulty of each level. Very well done!

Onto some constructive criticism; I noticed each level included a timer in the top left however upon completion I'm not sure if the timer measured my success? I think a star rating at the end of each level based on completion time could add an extra layer of competition and give players a reason to retry each level. I played using a keyboard and trackpad and felt it could have been slightly more user friendly to include the 'W' key as a jump as well as the spacebar. This would free a finger up to use the shift mechanic a little comfier. All this being said I think you've done an excellent job and had a great time playing Paraslime.